Peaceful Christians
By: Communication Team◊◊◊
Sow and cultivate peace as Christians
◊◊◊Dear reader, peace has brought us this far, and we pray that it continues to prevail in our Churches, in our families, and in our hearts. But how really can this peace be promoted and enhanced at the family level, if not at all levels? We attempt to sow seeds of love nurturing in the family, we must overcome the forces that compete with peace and disrupt all the good intentions we mean for our families. The world needs peace, the family needs peace.
As Christians, our weapon is the inspired word of God. A random search for peace is unending, but we pick the lines below to guide and remind us that it is indeed God’s purpose that every family be centered on love and peace; two valuable gifts that we highlight as the theme that drives our stories and features in this edition.
To sow these seeds of peace and love, we are reminded to:
- Develop a positive view of each other.
Philippians: 2: 3-4, advises:
“Do nothing out of contentiousness or out of egotism, but with humility consider others superior.”
Give our undivided attention.
Titus 3:1-2 reminds us to:
“Listen attentively with an open mind”
This is to avoid any tension, and respect the other person’s viewpoint even if you do not buy the argument.
- Be eager to forgive and to settle differences quickly.
As Paul still asserts: Colossians 3:13
“Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely even if anyone has a cause for complaint against another.”
Avoid by any means, stooping to verbal or physical abuse, anywhere, least of all, the family environs.
If it is stress, it comes to all, but salute to them who will manage the level calmly. Check, how does your stress manipulate you?
Paul in his wisdom still adds:
“Put them all away from you: wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of your mouth…”
Not to give up promoting peace in the home.
Even when others become so uncooperative, it is still worth the try; be the person standing out, use this line from Proverbs:
“Those who promote peace have joy.”
Pope Francis sums all when he said,
”make peace, create peace, be the example of peace. We need peace in the world”