The Young Adults Catholic Association


This group was formed in February 2013, under the chaplaincy of Rev. Fr. Bernard Nganga  Kabiu and the patronage of Mr. Paul Kasimu with the assistance of  Youth Board, consisting of 10 members who are also Parishoners.


The group was born from the Senior Youth group to accommodate the youth members who felt like they had outgrown that bracket for various reasons; such as having been in the group for a long time, getting into marriages and/or having children.

The Young Adults was then born with approximately 30 members, with the leadership of 6 executive committee members.

The group currently has over 100 members.

The motto; By Christ, For Christ, was also carried over. It means that By the strength and will that Christ Himself has put in us, we do all our activities.

The Core Values include;

  • S – Service
  • I – Integrity
  • R – Respect
  • G – Growth

The group’s Patron Saint is St. John Paul the II.

He was a lover of the Youth and the Holy Family youth felt that he would relate so well with us and what we do. We did one of the annual walks, in his honor sometime back.


The group accommodates members between the ages of 27 and 35 Years, or anyone who is married or has a child or children and is below the stated age.

Growth and Activities

The group has many activities that need to be planned prior. They are actualized by  5 major committees;

a) Spiritual Team

This team plans all the activities that cut across Individual and group spiritual nourishment;

  • Mass participation and animation
  • Bible Study
  • Adoration, Benediction and Confessions
  • Formations, Retreats and Recollections
  • Novenas and other prayers etc.

b) Social Team

Handles all the fun and Charity events;

  • Birthday parties
  • Trips
  • Hikes
  • Team Buildings
  • End of year parties etc

c) Talent and Career development

Takes charge of activities which help to build the group/individual career-wise , socially and explore talents;

  • Sports and tournaments
  • Competitive Music Festivals (Choir set-pieces, Dance and Own compositions)
  • Album recordings,
  • Concerts etc

d) Finance Team

  • Runs all income generating activities that ensure the group is sustained financially. Keeping audited accounts and managing expenditure.
  • Annual Youth walk
  • Welfare Audits
  • Newspaper sale etc

e) Welfare team

This team is tasked to organize and run the common day to day events, such as

  • Visiting each other and the babies within the group.
  • Sickness of a member where applicable.
  • Supporting each other during a loss of a family member of group members.
  • Support and assist each other in planning for weddings and baptisms for the babies.
  • Sharing in graduations, birthdays, anniversaries etc

The Young Adults group has an ongoing recruitment and registration for new members all through the year. Send us an email at or contact our Chairman John- Festus at 0722 528 738