Walking as people of faith and hope
By: Rev. Fr. Fredrick Chege A story is told of a little girl who was very beautiful. Unfortunately, she was captured by a witch, who knew that if she wanted to hold on to the little girl, she had to convince her that she was ugly. If the girl walked in consciousness of her beauty […]
Taking personal responsibility of my Faith
The Peace and Grace of Christ be with you all! It is my undoubtful belief that all of us are reflecting on the Christmas; the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ as we prepare to respond positively towards the salvific event, and not just to react on it. I strongly encourage you at this stage […]
Advent season
By: Rev. Fr. Peter Kamomoe ♦ The word “Advent” has been derived from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming,”. It is a period of celebration and anticipation of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ; a period of preparation to commemorate the dawn of our salvation through the Nativity of our Saviour. The first two […]
Archdiocese of Nairobi;Central Deanery Family Day 2018 update
Central Deanery Family Day Celebrations 2017 The Archdiocese of Nairobi Central Deanery will be celebrating its annual Family day on 24th November 2018 at Shrine of Mary Help of Christians Don Bosco Upper Hill Nairobi. The main celebrant will be His Lordship Bishop David Kamau and once again couples from the twelve parishes will solemnize […]
Purpose of the Holy Mass
To praise and worship God God is infinite, eternal, and all-powerful and His greatness and goodness ought to fill us with amazement and enthusiasm. We should always praise and worship Him before, during and after the Holy Mass. Praising and worshiping God unites us with Him. Always pay special attention to the Gloria and the Sanctus. Thanksgiving God […]
Fostering Christian growth through Psychological well-being
How Psychological wellbeing leads to a happy life Psychological well-being is the ability of an individual to realize one’s potential and how to cope up with normal stresses of life and work productively and fruitfully and contribute to the community. Simply speaking, Psychological well-being is a person’s subjective assessment of the general presence of pleasure […]
Novena to the Holy Spirit 26th May – 3rd June 2017
Day 1 – Friday, May 26, 2017 Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Let us pray O, God, who has taught the hearts of your faithful by the […]
Holy Week 2017
Join us as we gather in REMEMBRANCE of Christ’s Last Supper and our call to serve our brothers and sisters. MOURN as we reflect on Christ’s painful death and crucifixion, and as we CELEBRATE the central act of our faith and of our salvation. COME and worship with us during The Holy Week as we celebrate […]
Ash Wednesday Schedule
1st March 2017 is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. Holy Family Minor Basilica will have celebrations of the Holy Eucharist, with the imposition of ashes at Ash Wednesday Mass Schedule 6:00 a.m Swahili Mass 7:00 a.m English Mass 8:30 a.m English Mass 11:00 a.m English Mass 1:00 p.m English Mass 3:00 p.m […]
World Marriage Day
Family life board message for Sunday 12th Feb 2017 Today, 12th February 2017 is world marriage day. World Marriage day is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of February every year to honour husband and wife as the foundation of the family, the basic unit of the society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice […]